Top Tips for your Creative Book Idea
To find your Creative Book Idea, it is all about knowing where to search for your story idea, it’s about training yourself to open your eyes to see possibilities and things you weren’t aware of. Anyone and anything can generate an idea for you, but it’s about learning to recognise the good ones. Ask any successful writer where they got their ideas from, and they will give you an array of answers. But it is usually an idea that has affected them personally, and they feel compelled to write about it. Then, when you do find your story idea, it’s such an incredible experience because everything makes sense. Your mind cannot stop thinking of the possibilities and how this idea will affect your readers.
Book Idea No 1 – How to use the power of your PERSONAL EXPERIENCES to create your BOOK IDEA
There is nothing more powerful than a personal testimony of a life experience. It’s through these personal experiences that we are reminded of what is important in life. It’s these experiences that make us who we are and it’s our personal experiences that create memories. Those memories are the only thing we take with us when we die, the joys, the sorrows and the life lessons we learnt on the way. Start creating lists of the most powerful personal experiences you had, where you’ve learnt a life lesson to share with others as book ideas for your book or for your characters to feel and encounter.
Book Idea No 2 – How to use your THOUGHTS to create must-read BOOK IDEAS
Have you been overwhelmed by your thoughts about a particular topic and then gone on to search for answers to those very questions. Every thought has a feeling attached to it which causes a reaction in our body that aligns with our beliefs whether positive or negative. Start creating a list of the things you think about and the answers you seek so you can give your readers a chance to walk in another’s shoes as book ideas for your book or for your characters to feel and encounter.
Book Idea No 3 – How to use unforgettable CONVERSATIONS as your BOOK IDEAS
Great dialogue is based on engaging and compelling conversations. What are the conversations you remember the most, who was it with, how did it make you feel, and what did you take away from it? What conversations do you find the hardest to have, what conversations just flow effortlessly. Start creating a list of conversations you’ve had or would like to have whether real or imagined as book ideas for your book or for your characters to react to and encounter.
Book Idea No 4 – How to use mind-blowing WHAT-IF SCENARIOS as your BOOK IDEA
Imagine different scenarios of world events, how would mankind react. What are the craziest scenarios you can think of in which you can either be a fly on the wall observer or be an active participant? What if the unthinkable actually happened? As an author you are the master of a WHAT-IF scenario and it is where anything can happen. Start creating a list of mind-blowing, crazy WHAT-IF scenarios as book ideas for your book or for your characters to feel and encounter.
Book Idea No 5 – How to use numbered and ranked TOP 10 LISTS as your BOOK IDEA
How addictive are numbered and ranked lists? Why even Maria Von Trapp from the Sound of Music sang about a list of her favourite things. Lists are a great way to present facts because they make it easy for people to remember. So start creating a list of the top things you love, hate or the top 10 questions your readers want to know about your subject as engaging book ideas for your book or for your characters to feel and encounter.
Book Idea No 6 – How your TRAVEL experiences can become unforgettable BOOK IDEAS
Want to write epic travel stories about different countries you visited and give insights into the culture, the people and the unforgettable moments you had to captivate your readers. Then start creating a list of the places, the people you met and the experiences you’ve had as engaging book ideas for your book or for your characters to feel and encounter.
Book Idea No 7 – How POLITICAL & ENVIRONMENTAL issues make challenging BOOK IDEAS
Your book needs to help readers understand how to become engaged in issues that deal with politics, governments, political systems and protecting the environment. If you want your story to touch the hearts of your readers and incite responsibility and decisiveness action then start creating a list of problems that need solving as book ideas for your book or for your characters to feel and encounter.
Book Idea No 8 – How MORAL ETHICS & SOCIAL CONSCIOUSNESS issues create compelling BOOK IDEA
Readers are keen to know what to do when faced with tough decisions that conflict with their ethics, morality and law. The ethical dilemma of the difference between right and wrong will never go away because someone is always hungry for an answer. What stirs your heart to challenge social consciousness enough to create a list of social values, trends, and issues as compelling book ideas for your book or for your characters to feel and encounter.
Book Idea No 9- How to use HEALTH & WELLNESS issues to create a must read BOOK IDEA
Are you an advocate for health and wellness issues and want to write about the relationship between illness and wellness that is relevant for all ages. Are there tips can you give on well-being issues and remedies for readers with mental and physical illnesses. Then start creating a listing of the questions, the answers, the symptoms, and the cures as book ideas for your book or for your characters to feel and encounter.
Book Idea No 10- How to use WORK, CAREER & FINANCE ISSUES to create powerful BOOK IDEAS
Want to write about financial issues that frustrate and motivate people to find financial freedom. What about helping someone unlock their authentic career. As a professional can you help people who have been made redundant create a new financial and work strategy. So start creating a list of powerful book ideas for your book or for your characters to feel and encounter.
Book Idea No 11 – How to use your SKILLS and EXPERTISE to create powerful BOOK IDEAS
You may be an expert in a particular area then why not use your life experience and skills to show those insightful techniques to your readers. Use the knowledge you’ve gained to create a list of powerful book ideas for your book or for your characters to feel and encounter.
Book Idea No 12- How to turn your DREAMS & ASPIRATIONS into powerful BOOK IDEAS
How do you harness the power of your dreams to inspire others? Why not use your visions to encourage and motivate your readers to follow their own dreams by listing them as inspiring book ideas for your book or characters to feel and discover.
Book Idea No 13- How to turn your worst FEARS into an awesome BOOK IDEA
What do you fear the most, is it a healthy or unhealthy fear. Why not use your crippling fear and turn it to your advantage by creating a list of powerful book ideas for your book or characters to feel and encounter.