The Brainstormer Book WritingTool

The Brainstormer has been specifically designed by the Insider Expert to help you expand your ideas using the Freewriting Method/Automatic Writing technique. It is there to help get all the ideas that are circulating and cluttering up your mind out onto paper. Why not use this tool to Speed Write to improve your writing skills and creativity and finish your manuscript faster. It’s time to connect your amazing ideas and thoughts to your fingertips. Use it again and again and have a breakthrough in your creative writing.

Brainstormer Instructions


Select a 5, 10, 15, 20 or 30 minute time Frame/


Select 200, 300, 400 or 500 word limit.


  1. Select the type of FONT you want to use.
  2. Select the type of TIMER you would prefer (a clock timer or word count)
  3. Type the TITLE of your topic
  4. Start TYPING whatever comes to mind on your topic (don’t think about it, just type).
  5. Once the timer has finished – stop typing and a DOWNLOAD button will appear.
  6. DOWNLOAD you brainstorming session onto your computer as a docx or txt document.
  7. Review and HIGHLIGHT whatever is useful, what you thought meaningful or what stirs your interst.
  8. PRINT it off and put it into the folder where you have your brainstorming ideas.
  9. You can then reset the ONLINE BRAINSTORMER tool to start a new session.